Each year, the British Softball Federation makes money available to distribute to leagues, teams and occasionally other organisations or individuals in the form of small development grants.  

These grants are usually capped at £250 but can be more if a larger amount can be justified.

BSF Development Grants are available on a rolling basis throughout the year, so applications can be made at any time.  An Application Form can be found on this link: https://bsuk.wufoo.com/forms/z1iinoff06mll9x/.

Below is an explanation of the criteria used by the BSF in awarding these grants.


Projects most likely to receive grant awards will be those with specified and measurable outcomes, clear plans for achieving them and detailed costings – and, ideally, where the BSF is not the sole source of funding.

Although the BSF will consider any type of development project for grant funding, grants are most often awarded to support the following:

  • New or existing youth programmes (fastpitch or slowpitch).
  • Coaching development, including support to attend BSUK coaching courses.
  • Umpire development, including support to host BASU umpire courses.
  • Local player clinics run by qualified coaches.
  • Initiatives to recruit new teams and players.
  • Facility enhancement.

Although the BSF recognises that softball equipment can be expensive and is often a necessary element in setting up a new team or development programme, we are normally reluctant to provide grants that are solely for the purpose of purchasing equipment.

If you are planning to submit an application for a BSF Development grant and want to discuss your project beforehand, please contact BSF Administrator Bob Fromer on 01803-857200.